** 2002-2015 - Wishing I'd never started doing this in the first place, and had a proper life instead... **

I can be contacted by email if you type 'soundhog' followed by '@gmail' and then '.com'...
I actually have a Twitter account - I don't 'say' a lot, though...

Listen to some of my mixes in one handy place : Mixcloud
Listen to some of my tracks in another place : hearthis.at
Watch my videos, don't leave any comments : YouTube
'Like this', ignore my postings, 'unlike this' : Facebook (artist page)
Spam me about your m@$hups, bitch about me when I delete you : Facebook (personal)
The proper high art stuff - The Freelance Hairdresser page : Soundcloud

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

New 7" single by me out May 11th. Yes, it's true. Honest.

Hello. Well life is really up in the air for me at the moment, for various reasons too dull/personal to bother you all with. However, one glimmer of good news is that there is actually some of my music available on a record from the wonderful Castles In Space label. A proper vinyl 7" single that you can play on a record player, with a cover and an insert sheet. It's been 14 years since I had a proper record of my own out.

It features two electronic instrumentals that I composed last year and polished to something approaching a shine this year. One is a moogy glam stomper, the other a theme tune for a non-existant regional TV news show from 1983. There are 300 copies available, half of the run on black vinyl and the other half on white. I designed the sleeve and all that, the audio was given a sonic buffing by the excellent Jon Brooks (Ghost Box/Clay Pipe/Trunk etc.) and there might be a surprise within that will be of use to about three people... I hope.

Anyway, it's officially released May 11th but you can pre-order it now. Many thanks to those who've already done so, and it's really nice to see names I don't know popping up on the sale pages as well as those that I do. The Bandcamp link is this: https://soundhog-cis.bandcamp.com/album/astrablast-newtown-parkway, and here's a video I did for one side, using a 1980s Sony video camera, a Panasonic mixer, a TV set and a VHS recorder. Hope you like.


Anonymous said...

posting this afternoon

Anonymous said...

here's the post https://acidted.wordpress.com/2018/05/08/astrablast%e2%80%8b-%e2%80%8bnewtown-parkway-by-soundhog-electronic-electronic-experimental-electronic-neokrautrock-radiophonic/ and tweeted

Chain said...

Hey Ben,

How are you getting on these days?
Been a LONG time since we last chatted and a lots happened ;)

I still stay in touch with Froodle (Richard Hawkins) but have left Eastbourne for a little further north these days, Scotland ;)

Give me a shout at some stage ;)

Chain/Shane - Quantum Designs - Forever :P